Conférence - Cybersécurité : coordonner la protection du secteur financier dans l’économie mondiale

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banquedefrancebanquedefranceKy30MMV_fjw04/28/2019 - 14:53Under the French G7 Presidency, Banque de France and the French Ministry for the Economy and Finance are organizing a high-level conference on: “Cybersecurity: Coordinating efforts to protect the financial sector in the global economy” In the presence of: - Bruno Le Maire, French Minister for the Economy and Finance - François Villeroy de Galhau, Governor of the Banque de France The themes of the four sessions are: - The state of cyber threats weighing on the financial sector today - Challenges for the financial sector in adapting to cyber threats - Improving the resilience of the financial sector through crisis management exercises - How to strengthen international cooperation for cyber security? The conference aims to promote exchanges of views and experiences, bringing together policymakers, the private sector and regulatory authorities. The working language will be English.
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