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Séminaire mensuel de la Chaire ACPR « Régulation et Risques Systémiques »


Le séminaire de la Chaire ACPR, organisé mensuellement, se concentre sur les questions de régulation et de risque systémique pour les banques et les organismes d’assurance. Cette page présente les éléments relatifs aux événements, passés ou à venir, ainsi que les modalités de participation.

Le séminaire de la Chaire ACPR se déroule habituellement le premier mercredi de chaque mois de 10h30 à 12h à l’ACPR : 4 rue de Budapest, Salle Liège (rez-de-jardin).

Le séminaire est ouvert à tous. L’inscription par mail à chaireACPR@acpr.banque-france.fr est gratuite mais obligatoire pour y assister. Si vous souhaitez être informés des prochains évènements, merci d’envoyer un mail à la même adresse.

La Direction des Études de l’ACPR organise également des séminaires indépendants : la page dédiée aux séminaires de recherche organisés par l’ACPR est accessible ici.



Mercredi 2 octobre 2024, 10h30 – 12h

Oussama Houari (Université de Nantes) présentera

“Climate Risks and Economic Activity in France : Evidence From Media Coverage”


Abstract: This study investigates the impact of climate risks on economic activity in France. Using natural language processing methods on three major French newspapers (Le Monde, Les Echos, and Le Figaro) in 2000-2023, we construct a measure of climate risks that we disentangle into physical- and transition-risk components. Our findings highlight several transmission channels through which climate risks affect the economy: the business cycle channel, the precautionary savings channel, the inflation channel, and the banking/credit channel. Moreover, while we document the existence of heterogeneous responses to our measures of physical and transition risks, we find that the tone of media covering climate risks matters beyond the frequency of published articles. Our findings show that the media plays a crucial role in influencing public beliefs about climate change related issues.


Ce séminaire aura lieu en mode hybride (le séminaire se tiendra à l’ACPR : 4 Place de Budapest, 75009 Paris avec possibilité de suivre en distanciel)

L’inscription (gratuite) est obligatoire (pour les 2 modes de participation) par mail à chaireACPR@acpr.banque-france.fr

Si vous optez pour le mode visio, le lien de connexion vous sera envoyé prochainement

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Mercredi 4 septembre 2024, 10h30 – 12h

Gyöngyi Lóránth (University of Vienna et CEPR) présentera

“Common Deposit Insurance, Cross-Border Banks and Welfare


We study the effects of the introduction of a supranational authority responsible for common deposit insurance in a model of cross-border banks with both endogenous risk-taking and within-group risk-sharing possibilities. With national deposit insurance, local authorities inefficiently ring-fence resources flowing from healthy to impaired subsidiaries for high asset correlation. The anticipation of ring-fencing discourages cross-border bank integration. Common deposit insurance removes ring-fencing and encourages cross-border integration, but has an ambiguous impact on the banks' risk-taking incentives. Overall, common deposit insurance increases welfare when banks are sufficiently risky, but otherwise can lead to excessive cross-border integration and lower welfare.


Ce séminaire aura lieu en mode hybride (le séminaire se tiendra à l’ACPR : 4 Place de Budapest, 75009 Paris avec possibilité de suivre en distanciel)

L’inscription (gratuite) est obligatoire (pour les 2 modes de participation) par mail à chaireACPR@acpr.banque-france.fr

Si vous optez pour le mode visio, le lien de connexion vous sera envoyé prochainement

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Publication Chaire ACPR régulation et risque systèmique
On the direct and indirect real effects of credit supply shocks

We consider the real effects of bank lending shocks and how they permeate the economy through buyer-supplier linkages. We combine administrative data on all firms in Spain with a matched bank-firm-loan dataset incorporating information on the universe...

  • Publié le 27/12/2018
  • FR
  • PDF (897.65 Ko)
Publication Chaire ACPR régulation et risque systèmique
The Private Production of Safe Assets

Do claims on the private sector serve the role of safe assets? We answer this question using high-frequency panel data on prices and quantities of certificates of deposit (CDs) issued in Europe. We find that only very short-term private securities...

  • Publié le 06/12/2018
  • FR
  • PDF (1.22 Mo)
Publication Chaire ACPR régulation et risque systèmique
The Forced Safety Effect : How Higher Capital Requirements Can Increase Bank Lending

Government guarantees generate an implicit subsidy for banks. Even though a capital requirement reduces this subsidy, a bank may optimally respond to a higher capital requirement by increasing lending. This requires that the marginal loan generates...

  • Publié le 22/11/2018
  • FR
  • PDF (1.13 Mo)
Publication Chaire ACPR régulation et risque systèmique
Foreign Currency Bank Funding and Global Factors

The literature on the drivers of capital flows stresses the prominent role of global financial factors. Recent empirical work, however, highlights how this role varies across countries and time, and this heterogeneity is not well understood. We revisit...

  • Publié le 25/10/2018
  • FR
  • PDF (573.08 Ko)
Publication Chaire ACPR régulation et risque systèmique
Back to the Future : Backtesting Systemic Risk Measures during Historical Bank Runs and the Great Depression

We evaluate the performance of two popular systemic risk measures, CoVaR and SRISK, during eight financial panics in the era before FDIC insurance. Bank stock price and balance sheet data were not readily available for this time period. We rectify this...

  • Publié le 25/09/2018
  • FR
  • PDF (2.1 Mo)
Publication Chaire ACPR régulation et risque systèmique
Credit Growth and the Financial Crisis: A New Narrative

A broadly accepted view contends that the 2007-09 nancial crisis in the U.S. was caused by an expansion in the supply of credit to subprime borrowers during the 2001-2006 credit boom, leading to the spike in defaults and foreclosures that sparked the...

  • Publié le 02/05/2018
  • FR
  • PDF (1.85 Mo)
Publication Chaire ACPR régulation et risque systèmique
The Impact of Legal Framework on Bank Loan Portfolio: An implementation to the European Stress Test Exercise

The economic crisis put financial and banking sector on the viewfinder of regulators and policymakers across EU and more widely across the world. Indeed, the improvement of the quality of banks' balance sheet has proved crucial for economic...

  • Publié le 07/03/2018
  • FR
  • PDF (548.8 Ko)
Publication Chaire ACPR régulation et risque systèmique
How post-crisis regulation has affected bank CEO compensation

This paper assesses whether compensation practices for bank Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) changed after the Financial Stability Board (FSB) issued post-crisis guidelines on sound compensation. Banks in jurisdictions which implemented the FSB’s...

  • Publié le 25/01/2018
  • FR
  • PDF (981.25 Ko)
Publication Chaire ACPR régulation et risque systèmique
Risk-sharing benefits and the capital structure of insurance companies

Providing risk-sharing benefits to risk-averse policy holders is a primary function of insurance companies. We model that policy holders are paying a fee over the present value of indemnifications (i.e., technical provisions) to enjoy these risksharing...

  • Publié le 10/01/2018
  • FR
  • PDF (907.97 Ko)