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Communiqués ACPR-AMF

The AMF and the ACPR are urging insurance, banking and finance professionals to exercise extra vigilance with regard to vulnerable ageing people

The Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) and the Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution (ACPR) have published a summary report on the market work on the marketing of financial products to vulnerable ageing clients. The discussions highlighted avenues for reflection and action to ensure that the clients’ informed consent is obtained and to avoid them being given unsuitable advice.

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Communiqués ACPR-AMF
The AMF and the ACPR are urging insurance, banking and finance professionals to exercise extra vigilance with regard to vulnerable ageing people
  • Publié le 08/04/2021
  • FR
  • PDF (765.72 Ko)
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