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The FinTech Forum

We have created with the AMF the FinTech Forum. It took place for the first time on the 18th of July, 2016.

The forum has gathered professionals, the ACPR, the AMF, public authorities (General Directorate of the Teasury, CNIL, ANSSI and TRACFIN). It constitutes an instance of watch, dialogue and proposition between the profession, the experts and the public authorities so as to ensure a good understanding and inclusion by the involved structures of the challenges, the developments, the specificities and the risks related to Fintech.

The secretariat of FinTech Forum is ensured by the AMF and the ACPR. It takes place minimum twice a year.

4 priority to its work have been identified even though the Forum can start by working on some of the following themes:

  • Proportionality in the licensing and the supervision.
  • Data usage.
  • Identification and knowledge of the clients
  • Attractiveness and competitiveness of the Place.


Press release

Speech by François Villeroy de Galhau, governor of the Banque de France

Mis à jour le : 12/06/2018 10:24