Chaire ACPR régulation et risque systèmique Incomplete supervisory cooperation

Banking supervisors frequently cooperate across countries, but cooperation only imperfectly covers the global operations of large banking groups. We show that this causes significant third-country externalities. Using hand-collected supervisory cooperation data, we document that banking groups shift lending activities and risk into third-country subsidiaries when cooperation agreements cover their operations in other countries. The implied country-level increase in the share of foreign loans is 16%. We also show that countries do not internalize third-country effects when making cooperation decisions, resulting in a 26 percentage point higher propensity to cooperate. Overall, our results highlight a need for “cooperating on cooperation.

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Chaire ACPR régulation et risque systèmique Incomplete supervisory cooperation
  • Publié le 22/08/2023
  • FR
  • PDF (2.7 Mo)
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