BDF ACPR : menu principal FR
Vous êtes ici racb2002 evolution du systeme bancaire francais depuis la fin des annees 1960
Page de recherche
Artificial intelligence : A blessing or a curse in the financial sector transformation? Publié le 12/11/2024 en pdf (596K)
Règles et orientations
Climate stress-test: the ACPR encourages insurers to keep up their efforts towards the integration of climate risk Publié le 23/05/2024 en pdf (400K)
Ten years of SSM banking supervision: key achievements and main challenges Publié le 28/06/2024 en pdf (575K)
The AMF and the ACPR have published their report on the monitoring and assessment of the climate commitments made by Paris financial centre participants Publié le 21/06/2024 en pdf (482K)
Sustainability challenges in the missions and operations of the Banque de France Publié le 02/10/2024 en pdf (306K)
Contrôle et évaluation prudentiels
International banking regulation and Tier 1 capital ratios. On the robustness of the critical average risk weight framework Publié le 13/09/2023 en pdf (666K)
Financial key figures of insurers subject to Solvency II in France at end-2023 Publié le 22/07/2024 en pdf (2M)
Bank Market Power and Interest Rate Setting: Do Consolidated Banking Data Matter? Publié le 15/11/2022 en pdf (506K)
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