BDF ACPR : menu principal FR
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Sustainability challenges in the missions and operations of the Banque de France Publié le 02/10/2024 en pdf (306K)
Bank Debt, Mutual Fund Equity, and Swing Pricing in Liquidity Provision Publié le 12/01/2023 en pdf (873K)
Digital players in the financial sector: a step towards profitability? Publié le 30/08/2022 en pdf (2M)
International banking regulation and Tier 1 capital ratios. On the robustness of the critical average risk weight framework Publié le 13/09/2023 en pdf (666K)
French insurers facing the risks associated with biodiversity loss: Challenges and lessons learned for the insurance industry and supervisors Publié le 20/06/2024 en pdf (2M)
En savoir plus sur les établissements de crédit
Staying the course through stormy weather: confidence to support innovation Publié le 23/10/2023 en pdf (159K)
20240429_presentation_reporting_etablissement_bancaire_support_aux_remettants.pdf Publié le 06/05/2024 fr pdf (2M)
The effects of climate change-related risks on banks: a literature review Publié le 25/11/2024 en pdf (2M)
The AMF and the ACPR have published their report on the monitoring and assessment of the climate commitments made by Paris financial centre participants Publié le 21/06/2024 en pdf (482K)
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