Monthly seminars "chaire ACPR"


The ACPR Research Initiative seminar highlights high-quality research addressing issues of regulation and systemic risk for both banks and insurance firms. 

The seminar takes place on the first Wednesday of the month from 10.30 am to 12 am in the premises of the ACPR: 4, place de Budapest, Salle Liège (rez-de-jardin).

The seminar is open to everybody. Registration by email at is free but compulsory in order to attend. If you wish to be informed of upcoming events, please send an email to the same address.

The ACPR Studies Department organizes independent seminars as well: the page dedicated to the ACPR research seminars is available here.



Wednesday, 2sd of October 2024, 10.30 am – 12 pm

Oussama Houari (University of Nantes)

“Climate Risks and Economic Activity in France : Evidence From Media Coverage”



This study investigates the impact of climate risks on economic activity in France. Using natural language processing methods on three major French newspapers (Le Monde, Les Echos, and Le Figaro) in 2000-2023, we construct a measure of climate risks that we disentangle into physical- and transition-risk components. Our findings highlight several transmission channels through which climate risks affect the economy: the business cycle channel, the precautionary savings channel, the inflation channel, and the banking/credit channel. Moreover, while we document the existence of heterogeneous responses to our measures of physical and transition risks, we find that the tone of media covering climate risks matters beyond the frequency of published articles. Our findings show that the media plays a crucial role in influencing public beliefs about climate change related issues.


Please note that this seminar will take place in a hybrid mode (the seminar will take place at the ACPR 4 Pl. de Budapest, 75009 Paris , and will also be streamed online).

(Free) registration (for both in person or online participation) is compulsory by mail at

If you opt for online participation, the connection details will be sent to you in the following days.


- Article



Wednesday, 4th of September 2024, 10.30 am – 12 pm

Gyöngyi Lóránth (University of Vienna and CEPR) will present

“Common Deposit Insurance, Cross-Border Banks and Welfare​”


We study the effects of the introduction of a supranational authority responsible for common deposit insurance in a model of cross-border banks with both endogenous risk-taking and within-group risk-sharing possibilities. With national deposit insurance, local authorities inefficiently ring-fence resources flowing from healthy to impaired subsidiaries for high asset correlation. The anticipation of ring-fencing discourages cross-border bank integration. Common deposit insurance removes ring-fencing and encourages cross-border integration, but has an ambiguous impact on the banks' risk-taking incentives. Overall, common deposit insurance increases welfare when banks are sufficiently risky, but otherwise can lead to excessive cross-border integration and lower welfare.


Please note that this seminar will take place in a hybrid mode (the seminar will take place at the ACPR 4 Pl. de Budapest, 75009 Paris , and will also be streamed online).

(Free) registration (for both in person or online participation) is compulsory by mail at

If you opt for online participation, the connection details will be sent to you in the following days.


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Publication Seminars
Determinants of banks’ liquidity: a French perspective on market and regulatory ratio interactions

The objective of the paper is to investigate how banks adjust the structure of their balance sheet as a response to a funding shock and to propose a methodology for projecting banks’ liquidity ratios in a top-down stress test scenario. In line with a...

  • Published on 12/17/2019
  • FR
  • PDF (566.08 KB)
Publication Seminars
Do Distressed Banks Really Gamble for Resurrection?
  • Published on 11/15/2019
  • FR
  • PDF (518.07 KB)
Publication Seminars
Lower capital requirements as a policy tool to support credit to SMEs :Evidence from a policy experiment

Starting in 2014 with the implementation of the European Commission Capital Requirement Directive, banks operating in the Euro area were benefiting from a 25% reduction (the Supporting Factor or "SF" hereafter) in own funds requirements...

  • Published on 11/14/2019
  • FR
  • PDF (465.26 KB)
Publication Seminars
Crisis and contagion in nancial networks: a dynamic approach

We study the dynamics of a connected banking sector where the nancial links between banks are explicitly modelled, including the liquidation procedures in the case of the failure of an individual bank. This model of banking network allows us to...

  • Published on 08/13/2019
  • FR
  • PDF (1.03 MB)
Publication Seminars
How does currency diversification explain bank leverage procyclicality ?

The amplitude of leverage procyclicality is heterogeneous across banks and across countries. This paper introduces international diversification of bank balance sheet as a factor of this observed heterogeneity, with a special emphasis on currency...

  • Published on 08/09/2019
  • FR
  • PDF (427.31 KB)
Publication Seminars
Time matters: how default resolution times impact final loss rates

Using access to a unique bank loss data base, we show positive dependencies of default resolution times (DRTs) of defaulted bank loan contracts and final loan loss rates (losses given default, LGDs). Due to this interconnection, LGD predictions made at...

  • Published on 06/05/2019
  • FR
  • PDF (312.77 KB)
Publication Seminars
Bank Concentration and Product Market Competition

This paper documents that concentration in the banking sector is associated with less competitive product market outcomes in non-financial sectors. We argue that a distinguishing feature of credit concentration is the higher incidence of competing...

  • Published on 03/08/2019
  • FR
  • PDF (501.76 KB)
Publication Seminars
Insurers as Asset Managers and Systemic Risk

Financial intermediaries often provide guarantees that resemble out-of-the-money put options, exposing them to tail risk. Using the U.S. life insurance industry as a laboratory, we present a model in which variable annuity (VA) guarantees and...

  • Published on 03/04/2019
  • FR
  • PDF (639.88 KB)
Publication Seminars
The Private Production of Safe Assets

Do claims on the private sector serve the role of safe assets? We answer this question using high-frequency panel data on prices and quantities of certificates of deposit (CDs) issued in Europe. We find that only very short-term private securities...

  • Published on 01/24/2019
  • FR
  • PDF (1.22 MB)