If you are an intermediary
The ACPR may impose its supervision on any intermediary in banking transactions and in payment services, insurance intermediary or intermediary in crowdfunding.
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If you are an intermediary, you can find the applicable regulation applicable to your activity and practical answers
Focus on crowdfunding
Crowdfunding allows project initiators to find funds through the website of a crowdfunding platform and outside traditional ways (such as banks).
To support the development of crowdfunding in a secure environment for contributors (donators, lenders or investors), public authorities have created a regulatory framework to carry out this new activity.
The ACPR and the AMF have developed an information document detailing all regulation elements applicable on 1 October 2014. It has been updated on 25 March 2017. It takes the form of Q&A and is addressed to operators of loan, donation or security subscription platforms, as well as project initiators searching for funds. It answers in an easy and accessible way questions that all crowdfunding actors can ask.
Updated on: 06/07/2018 15:12