ACPR research seminars

The ACPR Studies Department organizes a series of academic seminars where invited or ACPR-affiliated researchers present their work on regulatory or financial risk issues. The seminars are open to everyone.

Registration by email at is free but compulsory in order to attend. If you wish to be informed of upcoming events, please send an email to the same address.

The ACPR also hosts the monthly seminars of the ACPR research Initiative: the page dedicated to the ACPR seminars is available here.



Thursday 19 september 2024 at 3pm: théo nicolas (ACPR/DEAR) 



Please note that this seminar will take place in a hybrid mode: the seminar will take place at the ACPR 4 Pl. de Budapest, 75009 Paris, and will also be streamed online.

(Free) registration (for both in person or online participation) is compulsory by mail at

If you opt for online participation, the connection details will be sent to you in the following days.


Abstract :

This paper examines whether cooperative banks have different loan terms from commercial banks for corporate loans. We find that cooperative banks charge higher rates and require less collateral than commercial banks. However, we show that relationship lending has opposite effects on loan terms depending on the type of bank. Longer relationships reduce interest rates and collateral requirements for cooperative banks, but increase these lending conditions for commercial banks. Furthermore, we find that the beneficial effects of relationship lending for cooperative banks are amplified for financially fragile firms. We therefore support the view that cooperative banks are initially more expensive, but that relationship lending allows them to overcome this over time and ultimately pass on information gains to borrowers through better lending terms.



Tuesday 11 july 2023 at 10.30am: Eric Vansteenberghe (ACPR/DEAR) 

"Insurance Supervision under Climate Change: A Pioneers Detection MethOD"

Discussant: Arthur Charpentier (Université du Québec à Montréal - UQAM)

Please note that this seminar will take place in a hybrid mode: the seminar will take place at the ACPR 4 Pl. de Budapest, 75009 Paris, and will also be streamed online.

(Free) registration (for both in person or online participation) is compulsory by mail at

If you opt for online participation, the connection details will be sent to you in the following days.

Abstract :

This research introduces a novel supervisory tool, the Pioneers Detection Method, aimed at enhancing resilience in insurance markets dealing with the uncertainties of climate change. The paper builds on a theoretical model of an insurance market, where independent experts set premiums based on their individual risk evaluations. The segmented nature of the private insurance market hinders the understanding of the tail parameter of the loss distribution, and there's no direct way to eliminate bias, as extreme events are infrequent. The proposed supervisory tool uses temporal changes to consolidate expert opinions, pinpointing those who rapidly and accurately identify extreme climate-related events. The effectiveness of the Pioneers Detection Method is affirmed through a series of simulations, where it surpasses traditional pooling methods within a Bayesian framework. This supervisory approach also proves to be the most beneficial in improving welfare in a fragmented insurance market comprised of a few private insurance companies.

Publication Seminars
Climate Risks and Economic Activity in France : Evidence From Media Coverage

This study investigates the impact of climate risks on economic activity in France. Using natural language processing methods on three major French newspapers (Le Monde, Les Echos, and Le Figaro) in 2000-2023, we construct a measure of climate risks...

  • Published on 09/16/2024
  • EN
  • PDF (7.38 MB)
Publication Seminars
Common Deposit Insurance, Cross-Border Banks and Welfare

We study the effects of the introduction of a supranational authority responsible for common deposit insurance in a model of cross-border banks with both endogenous risktaking and within-group risk-sharing possibilities. With national deposit insurance...

  • Published on 09/16/2024
  • FR
  • PDF (450.64 KB)
Publication Seminars
Insurance Supervision Under Climate Change: A Pioneers Detection Method

This research introduces a novel supervisory tool, the Pioneers Detection Method, aimed at enhancing resilience in insurance markets dealing with the uncertainties of climate change. The paper builds on a theoretical model of an insurance market, where...

  • Published on 09/03/2024
  • FR
  • PDF (1.71 MB)
Publication Seminars
Borrowing Beyond Bounds: How Banks Pass On Regulatory Compliance Costs

Banks in the euro area must inform supervisors about each exposure that exceed 10% of the bank’s capital. Using a granular dataset that combines banks’ loan and security portfolios, we test whether banks pass on the cost of complying with the large...

  • Published on 08/06/2024
  • FR
  • PDF (148.23 KB)
Publication Seminars
The Effect of U.S. Climate Policy on Financial Markets: An Event Study of the Inflation Reduction Act

The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA) represents the largest climate policy action ever undertaken in the United States. Its legislative path was marked by two abrupt shifts as the likelihood of climate policy action fell to near zero and then rose...

  • Published on 08/06/2024
  • FR
  • PDF (293.24 KB)
Publication Seminars
Interlocking directorates and competition in banking

We study the effects on corporate loan rates of an unexpected change in the Italian legislation which forbade interlocking directorates between banks. Exploiting multiple firm-bank relationships to fully account for all unobserved heterogeneity, we...

  • Published on 05/29/2024
  • FR
  • PDF (620.78 KB)
Publication Seminars
Bank Specialization and Corporate Innovation

Theory offers conflicting predictions on whether and how lenders’ sectoral specialization affects firms’ innovation output. In this paper, we therefore empirically examine the effect of bank specialization on corporate innovation. We find that the sign...

  • Published on 03/09/2024
  • FR
  • PDF (761.65 KB)
Publication Seminars
Climate-related Disclosure Commitment of the Lenders, Credit Rationing, and Borrower Environmental Performance

Using lenders becoming members of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) as a plausible exogeneous shock, we examine whether and how lenders’ commitment to transparent climate-related disclosures affects borrower firms’...

  • Published on 02/21/2024
  • FR
  • PDF (217.68 KB)
Publication Seminars
Central-bank account for all : Efficiency and risk taking

We study optimal policy for a central bank that supplies interest-bearing central bank digital currency (CBDC) and reserves. We model a CBDC that competes with bank deposits as a medium of exchange. Monopolistic banks issue deposits to lend to...

  • Published on 01/25/2024
  • FR
  • PDF (178.86 KB)
Publication Seminars
Social Media as a Bank Run Catalyst

Social media fueled a bank run on Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), and the effects were felt broadly in the U.S. banking industry. We employ comprehensive Twitter data to show that preexisting exposure to social media predicts bank stock market losses in the...

  • Published on 01/25/2024
  • FR
  • PDF (1.25 MB)