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Discussion papers

Call for comments

In order to contribute to supervisory developments, the General Secretariat of the ACPR is launching a new series of occasional publications entitled “discussion papers”.

The aim of this initiative is to develop the existing analyses of points for which an official position has not yet been reached, with a view to discussing them with stakeholders, in particular with the relevant professionals. 


Publication Discussion papers publication
Artificial intelligence: challenges for the financial sector

The ACPR's work on the digital revolution in the banking and insurance sectors (March 2018) highlighted the rapid growth of projects implementing artificial intelligence techniques. A task force was therefore established by the ACPR in early 2018....

  • Published on 12/20/2018
  • EN
  • PDF (1.01 MB)
Publication Discussion papers publication
Leverage ratio and client clearing

The purpose of this discussion paper is to initiate debate on the potential impact on client clearing of the leverage ratio’s non-recognition of initial margins received by clearing members from their clients in derivatives transactions. It opens the...

  • Published on 08/10/2018
  • EN
  • PDF (696.32 KB)
Publication Discussion papers publication
IT risk

The emergence of cyber-attacks in recent years has heightened concerns about IT risk. ...

  • Published on 03/30/2018
  • EN
  • PDF (2.23 MB)