Before starting activities, you must:
- contact the Secretariat of the Authorisation Directorate ( to organise a meeting to present your plans and proposed timetable;
- prepare an application for the desired licence (1), including all supporting documentation:
Credit institution not providing investment services
In the case of a dual licence (finance company-investment firm, finance company-electronic money institution or finance company-payment institution), please see the sections covering the appropriate licensing applications.
After receiving your application, the Authorisation Directorate will review your request. The ACPR will issue the finance company licence within six months of receipt of a complete application. If the application is incomplete, additional information may be requested and the review period extended. The total time allocated to the ACPR to take its decision is 12 months from receipt of the initial application.
Pending the preparation of a specific model application, the form for credit institutions not providing investment services may be used.