The Sub-Colleges

The Sub-Colleges, one for banking, the other for insurance, each of which has eight members, have jurisdiction over specific matters and general issues relating to their respective sectors.


Insurance sub-college

Chairman :

Jean-Paul Faugère


Governor or Deputy Governor of the Banque de France :

François Villeroy de Galhau

or Denis Beau


Appointed for his expertise in customer protection, quantitative or actuarial techniques,
or other areas that help the Authority fulfil its statutory objectives:

David Noguéro

Presiding judge at the Cour des comptes :

Raoul Briet

Appointed for their expertise in insurance :

Cécile Gérard

Jean-Luc Guillotin

Anne Larpin-Pourdieu

Olivier Mesnard

Banking sub-college

Chairman :

 François Villeroy de Galhau

Or the designated Deputy Governor,

Denis Beau



Jean-Paul Faugère


Member of the Conseil d'Etat :

Henri Toutée

Counsellor at the Cour de cassation :

Valérie Michel-Amsellem

Appointed for their expertise in banking :

Pascal Durand

Christian Lajoie

Isabelle Lefebvre 

Catherine Théry


Updated on: 06/21/2023 18:54