The ACPR-FinTech Innovation Unit is the ACPR team dedicated to Fintech and to innovative project initiators.
This team depends on the General Secretary of the ACPR. It provides an interface between project initiators and the involved ACPR Directorates, as well as the Bank of France (for projects regarding payment services) and the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (for projects regarding investment services).
With the AMF, the ACPR-FinTech Innovation Unit leads the FinTech Forum, which gathers together professionals several times a year, in order to discuss regulatory and supervisory subjects related to Fintech and innovation.
The ACPR-FinTech Innovation Unit also analyses more cross-sectional innovations and monitors the digitalization of the French financial companies.
Why this dedicated Unit?
The ACPR has decided to create this dedicated Unit for the following reasons:
- The number of applications submitted to the ACPR and involving innovative projects has noticeably increased
- Innovative projects require specific support:
- to understand the regulation;
- to understand the different status offered by the regulation that could be applicable to the planned activities;
- to facilitate the approval or authorization.
- Some projects require a close coordination between the ACPR and the AMF. The AMF also has a FinTech Innovation and Competitiveness Unit, as the entry point for the projects sponsors.
What are our missions ?
- To receive innovative financial project initiators
- To discuss with Fintech professionals, especially through FinTech Forum but also in bilateral settings.
- To study new challenges to financial regulators and supervisors that arise from sectorial (payment, bank, insurance) or cross-sectorial (blockchain, innovative data use, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, digital identity) innovations.
- To contribute to international studies regarding FinTech and innovation, especially those performed within European and international financial regulation groups (Financial Stability Forum, Basel Committee, International Association of Insurance Supervisors, the European Banking Authority, European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority…)
- Fostering innovation across the supervisory authority and for the benefit of its staff, by using technology (SupTech approach).