Discussion papers publication Leverage ratio and client clearing

The purpose of this discussion paper is to initiate debate on the potential impact on client clearing of the leverage ratio’s non-recognition of initial margins received by clearing members from their clients in derivatives transactions. It opens the way for a possible revision of the leverage ratio, to allow for IM offset in the calculation of exposures.

Observations and comments

The ”Leverage ratio and client clearing” document aims to elicit observations and comments, both on its actual contents and on the overall approach. This consultation is aimed at professionals and intermediaries and institutions subject to ACPR supervision as well as, more generally, all financial sector players.


Observations and comments must be sent before 15 September 2018

Reference: ACPR, Discussion Paper No.2-2018

Please send your comments (réf.DP/2-2018) to : commentaires-doc@acpr.banque-france.fr

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Discussion papers publication Leverage ratio and client clearing
  • Published on 08/10/2018
  • EN
  • PDF (696.32 KB)
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Updated on: 03/19/2019 16:17