Wednesday, 5th of February 2025, 10.30 am – 12 pm
Olivier David Zerbib (CREST) will present the paper “Can Investors Curb Greenwashing”
We show how investors with pro-environmental preferences and who penalize revelations of past environmental controversies impact corporate greenwashing practices. Through a dynamic equilibrium model, we characterize firms’ optimal environmental communication, green investments, and greenwashing policies, and we explain the forces driving them. Notably, under a condition that we explicitly characterize, companies
greenwash to inflate their environmental score above their fundamental environmental value, with an effort and impact increasing with investors’ pro-environmental
preferences. However, investment decisions that penalize greenwashing, policies increasing transparency, and environment-related technological innovation contribute to mitigating corporate greenwashing. We provide empirical support for our results.
Please note that this seminar will take place in a hybrid mode: the seminar will take place at the ACPR 4 Pl. de Budapest, 75009 Paris, and will also be streamed online.
Free registration (for both in person or online participation) is compulsory by mail at
If you opt for online participation, the connection details will be sent to you in the following days.