Paris , 15-16 November 2012

The Banque de France, the Autorité de Controle Prudentiel and the labex ECODEC will host an international conference on the “New Tools for Financial Regulation”. The conference will be held in Paris on November, 15-16, 2012.

The recent financial crisis has dramatically expanded the perimeter of the financial regulation. This conference aims to provoke a fruitful debate between academics and practitioners, by bringing together state of the art research on the new domains of financial regulation, and the new tools available to financial supervisors. An international panel of academics and regulators will conclude the conference.

Organizing committee: Simon Dubecq (Banque de France, CREST), Patrick Galiardini (University of Lugano), Christian Gourieroux (CREST, University of Toronto), Jean-Cyprien Héam (Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel, CREST).

If you are interested in this conference please contact:


Updated on the 3rd of January 2025