The second edition of the new survey of the General Secretariat of the Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution (ACPR) shows that, in a context where activity has been particularly strong both in France and in most European countries since 2010, new lending to the professional real estate sector rose by 33.3% in the second half of 2015 to stand at EUR 62.3 billion. Growth was robust across the board, rising by 29.1% in France, 38% in the rest of Europe and 42.3% in the rest of the world. This increase in new lending mainly benefited investors and property companies, which continued to account for the major share (with 60% in the second half of 2015) ahead of developers and property brokers (38.4%), and retail, which almost tripled. Lending to the office sector (19.1% of the total) grew by 22.8% in H2 2015, while new lending nevertheless remained almost stable between the first and second halves of 2015 in Île de France.

Driven by new lending, banks’ exposures rose by 8.6% in H2 to reach EUR 162.4 billion at end-2015, or 2.64% of their total balance sheet. As in the case of new lending, the increase in exposures was more rapid in the rest of Europe (15.7%) and in the rest of the world (18.1%) than in France (3.3%). The breakdown of exposures by type of recipient confirms the predominance of investors and property companies (47.9%), far ahead of developers and property brokers (24.6%). Lastly, residential real estate continued to account for the bulk of exposures (34.3%), ahead of offices (21.8%).

The quality of exposures has been continually improving since 2010: the amount of gross non-performing loans fell by 5.8% in H2, with the gross non-performing loan ratio falling to 6.79%; due to a slightly faster decline in the amount of impairments, the coverage ratio for these loans decreased marginally but remained at a historically high level (38.6%). Finally, the few indicators providing usable information suggest that risk-taking by the banks in the sample was modest.

Download the Analysis and synthesis N° 68

Updated on the 26th of February 2025