European passport

The freedom of establishment is the possibility for an insurance undertaking licensed in an EEA Member State to provide insurance services on the territory of another EEA Member State from a permanent entity located in the host country (e.g. branch, …).

The freedom to provide services is the possibility for an insurance undertaking licensed in an EEA Member State to provide its insurance services on the territory of another EEA Member State without permanent establishment.

List of insurers benefiting from the European passport as of May 2017:

Please note that individual certificates are no longer delivered. It is necessary to refer to the information contained in the lists. This information evolves in line with authorizations and notifications or updates.
Notification for a request about freedom to provide service and/or freedom of establishment.


Instruction n° 2015-I-16 relative aux documents à produire dans le cadre de l’exercice d’une activité d’assurance dans autre état de l’EEE (Instruction No. 2015-I-16 related to documents required for carrying out insurance business in another EEA State).


Files must be both sent by post and by e-mail to the following addresses :

Secrétariat Général de l’Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution
Direction des Agréments, des Autorisations et de la Réglementation
Service des Organismes d’Assurances – Passeport Européen
61, rue Taitbout
75436 Paris Cedex 09

E-mail address:

Mis à jour le : 12/06/2018 10:25